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More Prophetic Insight?

Photo by Daniel McCullough on Unsplash

**This is a personal website and reflects my thoughts and convictions. It does not represent any official position held by Youth With A Mission.**

If  you have visited this blog before the last week or so, you will know that I don’t highlight prophecy.  However, I felt it right, having checked it out with elders, to publish Tom Bloomer’s word.  Now, just a few days later, the following prophecy was brought to my attention.

I think it is right for me to post it for a few reasons:

  1. It is very specific, so will be proven right or wrong quite soon.
  2. If it is right, then it needs more prayer for it to bear the full fruit God intends.
  3. It is already in the public domain at
  4. It coincides with the Passover and many prophecies about breakthrough at this time.
  5. It also coincides with hundreds of thousands joining online worship and prayer, which can be accessed via

Here is the word from Craig Cooney

If the Holy Spirit gives you any sense of confirmation, do go to prayer that it might all be fulfilled!

From Dailyprophetic:

I trust you are keeping safe and well during this most unique time in recent history.

I have been very reluctant to send out any words during this time as I wanted to hear clearly from the Lord and also to weigh up what I was sensing.

First of all I want to share again some of what I sent out on 30th December 2019 and then tell you what I have felt the Lord say in recent days.

As with any prophetic utterance, weigh it carefully and prayerfully.


The keyword that I keep getting over and over again for 2020 is “PIVOTAL”.

The next 12 months will be absolutely pivotal and I believe this will be the most significant year of the last 50 years.

It is a “tipping point” year – a year when everything that has been happening since the year 2000 culminates and climaxes.

The next 12 months will also shape the next decade. The last 5-10 years have seen the most significant polarisation and division in nations and between nations that I have witnessed in my lifetime. The pressure has been building and this year it is going to be released.

I saw what looked like huge tectonic plates underneath the Earth’s surface. They have been pushing together forming pressure and friction. This is going to build up to such an extent that it will be like an earthquake or eruption in 2020. In fact, don’t be surprised if the Lord affirms this in the natural. What happens physically often mirrors and even precedes what is happening in the spiritual realm.

In the early months of 2020 you could see a very significant earthquake or volcanic eruption. The father is showing us prophetically what lies ahead in the rest of the year.

Nationally, leaders will be at a loss as to how to bring peace and stability in their societies. There will be desperate measures such as curfews and bans, but they will be ineffective and counterproductive….

….There will be a major sifting within the church. The Lord is purifying his Bride as His return draws more imminent. Immature, immoral, heretical and ungodly leadership will be removed. The Lord no longer will tolerate a “show“ in His name. Only those who are pursuing His presence from a place of purity, reverence and true worship will flourish and stand. The others will be swept away in the cultural tide of conformity.

The economy worldwide will take a major sudden dip. But it will not fall into recession like in 2008. It will quickly rally and recover….

…There will be the greatest separation of believers in the last 200 years between those who appease and surrender to the secular culture and those who stand for righteousness, holiness and the Word of the Lord. The pressure to conform and be liked by the world will be so intense. Stand firm in truth and grace.

Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His Word.

Now I want to share what I believe the Lord has shown me in recent weeks. Some of you will have heard me share parts of this on Instagram Live and in my Instagram stories over the past few weeks.


The word the Lord keeps giving me is RESET.

It’s almost as if, when your cell phone is not working properly, you need to press various buttons at the same time and do a ‘hard reset’. Similarly, right now the nations and every area of society are going through a HARD RESET.

There is a total REALIGNMENT of PRIORITIES and POWER taking place. The exalted are being brought low and the humble are being exalted. Everything we have taken for granted is receiving proper value. Many of the things we thought were important are now being seen as insignificant.

The Lord is REFINING and SIFTING His BRIDE, the Church. Personalities and platforms which relied on crowds and human charisma will struggle in this season. Many won’t make it through.

Authentic Spirit-filled communities will flourish in these days as the committed care for one another as in the early church.


While most are longing for everything to return to ‘normal’, I believe the Lord is saying that things will never be the same again. Nor should they be.

There entire structure of society is currently being RECONFIGURED. As everything changed on September 11th 2001, the changes brought through this current shift will be exponentially greater.

The Lord is DISMANTLING so many things in this time. He does not want us to rebuild them ever again. We are entering not only a new season, but a completely NEW ERA. There will be an entirely NEW ‘NORMAL’ when this crisis passes.


On Monday 16th March I was asking the Lord about this. I sensed Him tell me it would turnaround in 24 DAYS. That didn’t make sense to me as my natural inclination would have been to say 28 days or 4 weeks. But it was definitely 24 days. I checked the calendar on my phone and realized that 24 days takes us up until Thursday 9th April.

In the Hebrew calendar PASSOVER begins at sundown on Wednesday 8th April. I shared this in my Instagram stories when the Lord spoke this to me. Many of you messaged me to say that a prophetic named Chuck Pierce had also prophesied about things changing at Passover. I hadn’t been aware of Chuck’s word.

Let me be clear. I don’t think everything is suddenly going to get better on this date. However I believe that is the day when things will BEGIN TO TURN. We will START TO SEE THE DECLINE of the coronavirus from that day onwards.

I also believe it will DISAPPEAR MUCH QUICKER than most ‘experts’ have projected. In fact, I sense the Lord saying, once the turnaround begins, it will leave much faster than it arrived.

The PRAYERS OF GOD’S PEOPLE have never been more important. Heaven is waiting to release angels on assignment in response to the prayers of the Saints.

GUARD YOUR HEARTS AND MINDS VERY CAREFULLY. Block out negative voices of fear, dread, doom and gloom. Fill your mind with the Word and let faith arise. SPEAK LIFE and HOPE and HEALING and BLESSING.

This RESET, REALIGNMENT and REFINING is positioning us for REVIVAL in the Church and an AWAKENING in the world.


There is more that the Lord is saying, but that’s enough for now.

Please take care and all necessary precautions – but DO NOT SURRENDER TO A SPIRIT OF FEAR. Such a spirit is so prevalent at this time and is seeking to consume and control God’s people to render us ineffective and powerless.

As Paul told Timothy:

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (2 Tim 1:7)

Every blessing in Christ,


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